
Exterior paving Floors of London

Floors of London supply and install stone paving which is made to order. The stone is specially cut 3cm thick or even thicker in some cases. We can manufacture coping stones, steps, pool surrounds and balustrades.
For  regular Indian sandstone you may wish to visit our sister site London Paving Direct

Limogues Inside Outside Floors of London

many stones are sufficiently frost resistant to be used inside and outside

Flamed Corton Floors of London

We can work with your garden designer to advise on suitability and discuss possibilities

Limoges Antiqued Floors of London

We find we are increasingly working on second properties in France and beyond

Random Lengths Floors of London

Paving in random lengths and 3 different widths. With solid stone steps.

Ask us what we can do for you  Contact Us

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